
new older email guestbook


Catch up

It has been crazy around here. Jared got pretty sick, and had to miss four days of school. While he was home there was a lot of coughing, sneezing, ear pain, head aches, wheezing, and towards the end a fever. He saw the pediatrician early on in his illness, but since there was no fever, only a little fluid in his ears and a cough, she didn't prescribe an antibiotic. Then the next evening he had a fever and ear pain, and so I tried to reach her. It took two whole days to get an answer from her, and for her to call in an antibiotic. I know that doctors don't want to go crazy with handing out the antibiotic, but sometimes it would be nice to just get rid of it BEFORE it gets really bad.

After Jared started to recover, he played his best soccer game ever. I was not there (I was in San Jose with sissy), but Richard said he was on fire. He is really getting quite good, and he is loving it. I am so proud of how far he has come this last year!

Lets see, what else? Well, Breeana finished out her vollyeball season not doing so great, not her personally, but the team. Her team didn't get to compete in the finals, because they hadn't won enough games : ( I have to say, she tried VERY hard, and we were very proud of her. Now she is on to basketball. Today, after three days of tryouts, it came down to three girls fighting for one spot on the team........and she got it!!! She rocked. Anyway, I can't say enough about what a superstar she is.

I had a great birthday gift from my sister. I drove down to san Jose, and we walked around her fabulous and wonderful shopping area. It was so beautiful, and fancy pants, and clean and sparkly, and had the coolest stores. Then we had an amazing lunch at a nice Italian place there, yummy. After that we went to her mall, and went to, hold your breath, SEPHORA. I love Sephora. It is the most amazing makeup store on the planet. It is filled with so many different brands, of makeup and body stuff, and perfume. She let me go on a little shopping spree, and I got some really good eyeliner, pressed face powder, my favorite Senorita Margarita body wash/shampoo, and this neat stuff, too faced, which has loose sparkly powder on one side, and creamy sparkly stuff on the other. It makes the most amazing glow on my eyes and cheeks, and I love it all. Anyway, it was just a very nice day, and so much fun to be with my sissy.

Ok, that is all I have time to write right now. We are off to shop for costumes. Jared is hoping to be a Pikachu(a type of Pokemon), and Breeana wants to be, amazingly enough, a princess. I say amazingly enough because she has been some kind of death eater, vampire, blood sucking thing for as long as I can remember. I can't wait to see the pretty Bree.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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