
new older email guestbook


I am going to try harder

I can't seem to update. I have plenty to say, but when I sit down to write, I end up just reading everyone else and then logging off. Here is a wrap up-

I am now an offical employee of our local school district. I am in a substitute position, which I am totally ok with. I was fingerprinted, and filled out a thousand papers, and I can't believe I am finally going to start work, after how hard I have tried to get this job since May. I could be called in as soon as Monday, but I kind of don't want that to happen, since it is my birthday : )

Breeana is doing well as always. Her grades are in their "beginning of the year" phase, which mostly means she is testing out to see just how lazy she can be, and still get good grades. Does anyone else out there have a brilliant child, who is also a slob and lazy?

Other than that, she is still enjoying volleyball, although they have lost all but one game. As soon as volleyball ends, basketball begins. I love seeing her so active and invloved. Right now she is at an all day birthday party. First they were going to brunch, then to the lake, then back home to barbecue, then to this cool pottery place to paint pottery in their pj's. I am sure she is having fun.

Jared is doing very well. His progress report was promising. He is soaring above the other kids in math, which has always been his strong subject. He is doing very well in spelling, and reading, but reading comprehension is another issue. He seems to be struggling to really comprehend what he reads, and so he is being tutored in that subject. His teacher LOVES him, which all his teachers do, but this one seems to have taken a real interest in Jared. They have a garden next to their classroom, and she know he loves tomoatoes, so she lets him go out of class and pick some : ) She also sends home very encouraging notes on just how special and kind he is. I am so proud of him, Richard and I both are.

Today since Bree was off having fun, we took him to see "Open Season". It was so funny, and really we all enjoyed it. Then we let him pick out a toy for doing so well in school, and came home so he and Richard could make my cake.

As for Richard, he is fine. Working hard, doing well in school, everything is good.

Ok, I need to go check on my boys. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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