
new older email guestbook


Over soon

Busy busy busy. That is my life for the rest of this month. Now we also have golf lessons thrown into the mix (for the kids), and Richard and I have joined a gym for added torture.

Work is hectic. There is a new baby, she is three months old, and every time I look at her I can't imagine how her mom lets go of her every day to go to work. She is all about smiles and long stares right now, and I am eating her up. There also seems to be way too many kids there lately, considering there are only two of us working there at a time. One boy in particular is driving me to drink, and I hope he grows out of the screaming phase soon. He is two, and loves to beat other children with toys.

Anyway, that is my life, work, clean house, run kids to lessons, sleep when I can, and an occasional quickie with husband.Every time I get a little complainish I try to remember we are buying our pool with this money from me working, and it will be over soon.

Breeana is at a birthday party right now, at a roller skating rink! Doesn't that sound so old school? I mean I used to go roller skating at a rink when I was her age. When we dropped her off, the place smelled just like the one I remember, musty and weird. Breeana was in heaven, surrounded by all her girl friends, and couldn't wait for us to leave. I am sure she is having a great time.

Jared and Richard just dropped me off at home so they could got to the driving range and hit some balls. Hopefully they don't get pounded by the approaching storm.

Ok, I think I will nap while I can, and then be a grown up and clean my bathroom.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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