
new older email guestbook


It's feeling so good

Two good things. Number one, I had some good sex last night. Number two, it is cold in my house for the first time all month! I actually had to turn on the heater when I woke up, realizing that both of my children were rolled up tightly in their covers : )

It is going to rain today, thank goodness. I wouldn't mind it being 85 degrees in the summer, but in March? Holy crap it was just too much. Today is cloudy, cool, and I am chipper. I am going to hope we don't get rain next week while we are at Disneyland, but for now it can rain all it wants.

So, more good news on Jared. He is getting another award, this one from his teacher. It will be presented to him tomorrow morning at the awards assembly. Saying that this award mean a lot just doesn't describe it well enough. He is so proud of himself, we are so proud of him. Disneyland is going to be even funner, just knowing the progress he has made, the effort he puts into every day at school. Breeana of course deserves some fun too, but to be frank with you, she is being a butt head lately.

Apparantly puberty begins at nine now. Along with her very hairy armpits, and even hair downstairs(if you know what I mean), and a few pimples, she also has the crazy roller coaster of emotions. She can go from loving to a crap head faster then anyone I know. So I am trying hard to be understanding, but still firm with her. Right now, since she thinks we are going to visit a ship next week and not Disneyland, she complains daily about how sucky our vacation will be. Part of me wants to scream at her "You little stinker, we are going to Disneyland!!!!"

Anyway, that is my stuff that is going on. I am going to try and enjoy the rest of my day, and forget that today is my last full day of quiet. Tomorrow is half day, and then the kids are off until May!

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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