
new older email guestbook


Sick boy

I am sorry for the lack of updating. I have an excuse though, really : ) Jared ended up with a touch of pneumonia. The Zithromax antibiotic didn't seem to be working, so I took him back in yetserday. He was wheezing, he had huge red circles under his eyes, and his cough was awful.

They did a breathing treatment on him, which made him super nervous and dizzy, since he couldn't figure out how to breath with the mask on. The medicine they use in the treatment is also known to make you jittery, so that didn't make it any better. That only improved his air capacity by twenty percent, so they then did a chest x-ray.

They found that he did in fact have a bit of pneumonia, but the Zithromax WAS working. His doctor also found that he has asthma. They measure some kind of spaces in between their ribs, and figure out what the problem is. Some people have a hard time getting air in, and some kids have a hard time getting air out, this is Jareds problem. His ribs were hyper extended. (Excuse me is I spell some of this medical mumbo jumbo wrong) So, they prescribed several asthma medications, and a mask thing to help them get into his lungs properly, and he will continue on his previous medications as well.

I feel a lot better now that we have a diagnosis, and he is home for atleast one more day.

Anyway, that has taken up most of our lives lately, so I don't have much else to report. I hope everyone elses weekend was better then mine. Tonight I have Bunko with a new group, so I will update on how that went tomorrow, and if I won : )

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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