
new older email guestbook


Three days

We had a nice time at sissys. There was a lot of fried food, for Hanukkah, wonderful gifts were exchanged, and of course it was just lovely being with sissy, Andy and Heather.

Catie got me a red Liz Claiborne handbag. It is the most beautiful bag I have ever owned. It has a umbrella hiding underneath it. It has a flashlight on a keychain. It is perfect. I love it.

Today was most boring. I cleaned, wathced some videos, and cleaned some more. I want to have the house in tip top shape before we leave for my Moms. I hate coming home to a dirty house! My sweet friend E. is going to come by while we are gone, and feed my rats : ) I will feel so much better knowing our little friends will be in good hands.

Tomorrow I have more cleaning to do, a bit more wrapping to do, and my friend J. is coming by to take the kids to Ch*ck E. Cheese. I don't like that place, I hate the service, but the kids love to go, and it is part of their Christmas present from J., so I am letting them go. It will also give me some peace and quiet, so I can get things ready to go.

Ok, I need to go get the kids in bed. I promised to read "Olive the other reindeer" to Jared.I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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