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Happy Halloween

More lack of updating, sorry. Breeana was sick (or so she says) and had to come to work with me on Thursday, which made my day very hectic, followed by Halloween preparations and Jared had a Halloween party.

So, the "so she says part" refers to the fact that once she and I arrived at my work, she was fine for the rest of the day. But when we were at home, five minutes before they had to be to school, she said her stomach hurt so bad she was going to throw up. Well, it was too late to find anyone to watch her, and I wanted to makes sure she was ok, so I called my boss and told her I would have to call in if I couldn't bring her to work with me. She said ofcourse, and since there is a whole separate area of the daycare where the kids don't go, it was fine for her to be there.

Anyway, I am not sure what that was about, but it kind of confirms my theory that my working is causing issues with the kids.

Yesterday was fun at work, the daycare kids were all so cute in their cosutmes, and they loved my special light up pumpkin neckalce that I let them take turns wearing. They practiced trick or treating and I got to give them the goody bags I made for them. They were all so sweet, and I got many hugs and thank you's. It will be hard to leave this job, walking away from a lot of really special kids, but I know it will be great for my family.

Last night, after it got dark, we all dressed up in our costumes. I was Snow White, Richard and Jared were both Spiderman, and Breeana was a scary vampire. Richard spent most of the evening covering his "package" which was hard to hide in his skin tight Spiderman suit : ) It was fun, but cold and rainy, so we only stayed out an hour or so. The kids got lots of candy, and we came home and sorted and checked it all, and then they ate some while we watched "When Good Ghouls Go Bad". It is a kids spooky movie, which is realy great for Halloween.

That was my Halloween, I hope everyone out there had a safe and sane one. Have a great weekend!

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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