
new older email guestbook


I've got a lot of apples

Breeana was home sick again Friday. Lucky for both of us, I didn't have to work. My boss was driving her youngest daughter down to UCLA, and shut the daycare down for the day : ) I am happy to say that she is now feeling fine, and we were able to make the apple picking adventure.

First let me say that sissy lied to other members of the apple picking team, and told them that it was I that chose to go in mid September, LIAR!!! I can remember just like it was yesterday, last year while we were apple picking she stated that the next time we picked apples, it would have to be in Septmeber, since a lot of the apples were not in great shape in October, so there smelly sister.

Anyway, lots of fun people came. Sissy(simplify) and brother in law of course, Heather (lefty), Lora(erlenweg6)and her son, Kate (outbox) and Graeme, and sissys parents. All very lovely people, the kind you love to be around.

We picked apples, we ate apples, we shopped for apples, and other fun apple stuff, and we ate apple cider doughnuts. It was very applicious.

I have to say that my favorite part of the day was when we ate the doughnuts, they are so damn good, I can't even explain. Apple Hill is the coolest little area, and I just love going up there. We also got a map of the Christmas tree farms while we were there, so this year we will know exactly where to go!

Ok, I am pooped, I need to head off to bed. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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