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I need several cans of Lysol

I love Swappingtons. I have already entered several items for swapping, and will wait for someone to hopefully want them, so I can get some things I have my eye on. It is a cool idea for a web site, you chould check it out. So, this weekend wasn't much fun. We did take the kids out to eat Saturday so we could get out of the house and have a change of scenery, and then we ran a million errands and rented video games. My daughter did her first few days of punishment, and I am happy to say that she didn't die from not watching television : ) I talked to her teacher today, and we have a plan for how to handle the talking in class. I have to say I don't LOVE her teacher, but whenever I approach her with a problem she is eager to help which is nice. Lets see, what else should I write about? While my husband was at a Super Bowl party I had my own little party here at home, just me and several Doris Day movies, oh and junk food. Yes the kids were here too, but they played nicely together for the majority of the day, and really seemed to want me to leave them alone. Ok, time to go make some dinner. Did I mention that since my son and I are getting better, my husband and daughter now are sick, does it ever end???

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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