
new older email guestbook


It's almost time

The day is approaching, and I can see my girl getting nervous! This is an amazing thing to see, because you see, my girl doesn't do this. Friday is the big day, she is starring in two of her three class plays. She is the main character in one of them, and let me tell you, she has her lines down pat. Now, this might not be a huge deal (her lines are almost all "When I grow up I'm going to turn into something else") , but she has put her little heart into it, and I am so pleased to see her enthusiasm. I am also pleased to see the nervous part, because it tells me my child is not an alien : ) Anyway, my poor son has been trapped in the house with me for the past two days, limited to only playing in house games, due to the fact that I have been having the period from hell. The funny thing about him is that he could care less, he is the most easy to please child on the planet. He said "can we got to the park?" yesterday and I said "um, no, mommy is not feeling good." And do you know what he said "poor mommy" and kissed me. We then played computer games(educational of course), we played blocks(with colors and numbers on them) and we played engines(no learning purpose here, just fun). Today I am not sure what we will do. I am not cramping as much, but I still am afraid to stray too far from my bathroom. Ok, I should go shower, but before I do, I want to say something about my sissy. I have a sister who I have loved as long as I can remember, but only have truly known for a few years. She is a strong, and caring person who has been a great support to me in times of need. I don't think I could be dealing with the situation with my dad as well, had I not had her. She is also a wonderful aunt to my kids who love her very much.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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