
new older email guestbook



We had a very nice trip to Caties on Saturday, to boat and visit. So, we boated, and swam and visited, and then went back to her house to visit some more and barbecue. It was an wonderful day, everyone had such a nice time. And, I have to say that Andy grills a delicious burger. The only bad thing was, my scalp got totally sunburned, my own fault of course.

Nothing else really has been going on around here, other that lots of running errands, play dates, and sleep overs. I feel like lately either Breeana is not here, or if she is here, it is Breeana and one of three friends. She is really enjoying herself, but I will be thankful when sleep overs are once again only on weekends (fifteen days to school and counting).

Jared still has not got a lot of interest in having his friends over, he plays with kids at the gym, he plays with his friend when we go to my friends house, but mostly that is enough for him, he and Breeana couldn't get more different.

Richards work schedule has lightened up a tiny bit. Now he is down to ten to twelve hour days instead of the fourteen he was working, thank goodness. Hopefully it will lighten up even a bit more for him so he can easily fit school into his schedule. Thankfully he is only taking one academic course this Fall, Math, and the other will be either golf, or weight lifting.

Our plans for the rest of the summer are just a trip or two more to the lake, this weekend we are driving up to my Moms lake. I am so thankful to have her so much closer to us now, we can see them whenever we want : )The lake by their house is just beautiful, and it will be a nice way to wrap up before the kids start back to school.

Ok, I need to think of something to do about dinner. Maybe Italian sub soup?

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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