
new older email guestbook


Long winded

It was a good weekend. We didn't do anything overly exciting, but it was still good.

Saturday we took the kids out to lunch at their favorite restaraunt, Chilis, and then headed over to the mall. Erika had told me about Benefit opening a "brow bar" in Macys, and so we went and allowed them to tackle Breeanas newly bushy eyebrows.

You would have thought we had taken her on some exciting vacation by how thrilled she was, feeling very grown up getting herself waxed and plucked. After it was all said and done, she had aged about three years. Yes, our daughter is too pretty for her own good, our maybe it is our own good. She was nominated to be duchess at her Valentines dance on Friday, and so we thought it would be a nice treat for her to have her eyebrows done professionally.

And, everyone loves my girl. The ladies fussed over her, and complimented her, and even did a little make-up job on her after. Now all we have left is to buy the dress, and it must be simple, and age appropriate, but still cool and fashionable, any ideas? My friend said maybe Forever 21 in the mall, so I will try there, but if anyone else has an idea, let me know.

So after we took Bree, we had to do something for a very patient Jared, so we rented some video games. He is the easiest kid to please in the world, and sometimes I think God made him that way to balance out my difficult other child. Anyway, he was happy with some ice cream and a Paper Mario game : )

Yesterday Richard went to watch the Super Bowl at his bosses house. He had a very good time, even though his team loss (thanks for the mean phone message sister), and was able to get some guy time in, which is always good for him. The kids and I went to Erikas to watch old movies, and to let the kids play. Thankfully it was a beautiful day, and the kids were able to play outside all day. It was a very refreshing change.

Then I got home and tried to do some laundry, only to discover that Jared had left the tiniest piece of crayon in one of his pockets, and ruined an entire load of laundry. Breeanas uniforms, as well as clothes she received for Christmas, and a pair of my pants. Thankfully none of Jareds clothes were ruined(sarcasm). Does anyone out there know how stinking hard it is to find uniforms this time of year? Or, how expensive? Yes, I wasn't happy with Jared. Richard made the mistake of saying "We need to check the pockets better before, huh?" Of course, by "we" he meant "you, Geneva", and so he got the cold shoulder for the rest of the evening.

You know what? As kids get older, they get more pricey. My kids may be unique, but they both go through several pairs of shoes a month, a couple pairs of pants, and of course never ending socks and underwear. Then, there is this new thing they are doing, breaking, ripping, and/or shredding about a backpack a month. They take turns of course, but I long for the days when I went school shopping three times a year or so, and it lasted. Stinking kids.

Ok, I can't be done without mentioning that I still have this fifths rash. Michelle, how long did yours last? It comes, and goes, and sometimes itches, most of the time doesn't. Mostly I am sick of the joint pain, and ugly skin. But there is some really good news..... there is a new rash going around the daycare, maybe I will be lucky and get that too : )

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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