
new older email guestbook


Every three days or so is enough

I haven't written because I would honestly bore you to death. My life has basically been all about cleaning, being lazy with children, and shopping. It has been nice to have no schedule, no need to hurry, and to just hang out with my kids. Today is the most structured day so far, and only because we are meeting Richard for lunch at noon : )

Oh, guess what? We are getting a thousand dollars back in taxes!! Can you believe it? I didn't want to mention it, until the feds and the state accepted our returns, but today they did, and so yay! I did our taxes using Turbo Tax as I have for the past several years, and this year they found us an extra deduction! I love the Turbo Tax. They file it for you, let you know when they are accepted, and then direct deposit it to your checking account. We have several trips coming up in the next few months, and so much of that money will be enjoyed on our fun trips.

Breeana and Jared are doing well. Jared loves being out of school, he is so excited to be able to sleep in every day! Breeana is not as thrilled, as she misses her friends, but she does like being able to stay up a bit later.

Poor Bree, she is becoming a young lady, and her hormones are all over the place. I am also now convinced that she is experiencing the beginning of what will be her period, as every month she has increased discharge at the same time. She also has had her eyebrows literally expand in front of our eyes, including a uni brow, and darkening. She was definitely self concious about the situation, so we waxed them. They now look great, but she is looking much too old : )

I have to take a minute and just say, my kids are great. I may complain about certain difficult areas, but they are really good children. I am really blessed.

Ok, I need to get some coffee in me, and then get ready for our date with Richard. Have a great day!

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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