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I am finally done

I am off! No more work for two whole weeks. This week has flown by. Monday night I did end up going to Bunko. I didn't win, but it wa a lot of fun. We had a mini baby shower for our Bunko friend, and ate and ate. E. won the big pot, and so she bought dinner for our families the next night : )

The rest of the week consisited of coughing, working, and now intense rib pain from coughing so hard. I also managed to get a bit more shopping done last night, and so I am almost done.

Today Jared is getting an award at school, and then he has a party, so I will be spending the day there. Breeana has no award assembly, and no party, so I will not be there. Her teacher is allowing me to send cookies for the class to have while they watch a movie, but thats all the celebrating they will do. Her teacher tends to be a bit mean, and it is unfortunate.

This weekend I am relaxing, and sleeping, and watching cheesy Christmas movies. Then on Sunday Catie and Andy are coming up to celebrate Christmas with us, since we are going to my Moms for the actual deal. We are having brunch, and I still have to decide what to make.

Ok, I need to get these kids ready for school. Have a good day everyone!

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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