
new older email guestbook


Almost done

It was a good weekend. Friday evening we had my friend E. and her daughter over to barbecue and play games, and had a really good time. We decided to make strawberry margaritas, which were super yummy : ) They stayed pretty late, the kids were keeping themselves quiet going in and out of the pool, and in and out of the bedrooms.

Saturday morning we got up early, Richard went to play golf with his friends, and the kids and I went on a special Mommy and kids day. I took them to Chuck E Cheese to play games, which they had the best time at. Breeana and Jared both won a ton of tickets, and were able to get some good prizes. Then we went out to lunch, and to rent some movies. After that we went to our local fruit stand to get fruits and veggies, and then over to the library. It was really nice to spend time alone with them in a fun way, not that we didn't miss Richard! By the time we got home, he was home as well. He didn't win, but he did really well.

Yesterday Richard and I patched up the pool, it had gotten many holes in the bottom, and then started cleaning out the garage. Oh my goodness, the garage was so dirty. I mean, cobwebs, dirt, boxes, garage sale leftovers, etc.. We cleaned and cleaned, and finally it looks decent. We did however move some boxes, and some tree branches to the side of the house for when my Mom comes up next month, so we can use her truck and haul it away! The kids kept busy in the house, and then E. called and asked if the kids would like to come over and go swimming, and if we would like to play some cards. So, we ended up having another barbecue, and game night : ) It was a good time, but boy and I pooped. We got the kids home just in time for bed, and we pretty much fell in bed as well.

Today I am waiting for news on my Grandma. She is having her second to last surgery today, the removal of her thyroid. I am very nervous, and sad that I can't be there. Originally this surgery was supposed to happen in October, but since she has been doing so well with her recovery and her chemo, the doctor and surgeon decided to go ahead and do it. I hope it all goes well. The last surgery will be removing a weird thingy in her neck, but I can't remember what it is called. It is something the surgeon put there to help with getting medication in. Anyway, I am keeping good thoughts, and praying she will be ok.

Tonight I have Bunko, so hopefully I will update tomorrow by saying that my Grandma is fine, and maybe even that I won at Bunko! Have a good day everyone.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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