
new older email guestbook

Thursday June 24th


I am tricking the Diaryland system, and editing an old entry, in order to be able to update. I have literally been trying for two days to update, only to get the busy server message over and over. I am not going to give in and buy a Gold Membership, I am just not. Today my kids had their last awards assembly of the year. Jared didn't get anything because his teacher decided to give everyone an award tomorrow instead. Breeana got an award for her accelerated reading, and she made honor roll, and got an award for that. I could see she was slumping up to the stage to get her award, and later she confirmed that she was slumping because she only got honor roll, and not superintendents list! I swear, she is very hard on herself when it comes to her grades. I reminded her how smart she is, and that she should be proud : ) Like her Dad and I are of her. Tomorrow is the kids last day of school. The school has a "water day" planned for all of the kids. They get to go from station to station, all filled with fun water games. The fire department even comes and sprays them with their hose. I am sure they will both have a wonderful time. They also get their report cards, no surprises there though, they both did great! This weekend we are supposed to go to my Moms, so we can visit with my Grandma, but I don't know for sure if we will make it or not. I have been ill for days, and I may have passed it along to Jared. I had lost my voice yesterday, and today I have a very deep and scratchy voice instead. I am also hacking up some lovely stuff, which grosses out my family. Anyway, I don't want to expose my Grandma to illness when she is still so weak. And by the way, she is still in the hospital. Tomorrow she will have been there ten days. She seems to be doing ok, but her recovery from this last surgery seems to be very slow. They are hoping to have her home by this weekend, but things didn't look good yesterday. Ok, I need to go clean my pool out, we are expecting our daily visit of kids to swim with mine : ) Our pool is great, and both of the kids friends love to come over and swim. I hope everyone is doing well out there. Have a great day!

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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