
new older email guestbook



My tummy is already feeling better. I went to the doctors yesterday, and I have to say, I love my doctor. She is very relaxed, informative, and lets me ask a billion questions without getting annoyed with me. I had a fever when I got there, weird. It probably explains my headache.

She felt around on my stomach, and listened carefully with her scope thingy. She thinks I have acid reflux, but I could also have some sort of parasite/bacteria thing going on. My change in poop color is from the Maalox she says, and so that shouldn't concern me. She had the lab take a ton of blood for some tests, and I have to do a disgusting poop test here at home. She also put me on the prescription form of Pepcid. It is already working, yay! My acid has been down since last night.

I can also return to normal foods, just nothing spicy, no caffeine (my beloved coffee), and I have to avoid fatty and fried foods. Low carb might not be the best option for me anymore, so I may need to switch to lower calorie in general. I felt great when I got on the scale there, and had lost the amount of weight she suggested for me to lose in a year plus more, in six months! I have to get myself back on track when the kids are back in school next week.

Let's see, what else? No new news on my Grandma, she is still doing great. My friend E. is still struggling with what to do about her marriage, which is very hard to hear about without going to her house and punching her husband in the face. But I try to be calm and just let her talk about it : )

Ok, I need a snack, I think I might actually be hungry.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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