
new older email guestbook


It's all good

Sorry for the lack of updating. We are now home, and I have a minute to write. We left here Friday afternoon and headed down to Southern California. We arrived early evening, and so had a great time talking with my Mom and Ron and playing with the puppies.

Saturday morning we all got up early, took two cars and headed over to see my Grandma. She looks great. She was sitting up, glowing with excitement to see us all : ) She really is doing well. She can eat anything she wants because she lost a bit too much weight in the hospital, and so she went on and on about how much food she can eat. She was most excited about yogurt! She is 77 years old, and had never tried it. It is now her favorite thing. Her blood pressure is way down, and she can actually bend her knees, which she said she hasn't been able to do in years! So she kept showing me how she could bend them, it was quite cute.

After we all visited for a while, Richard and Ron took the kids back to my Moms, and my Mom and I stayed the rest of the day. My Grandma talked ALL day, about her childhood, about my Grandpa, and about how happy she is. She knows that all the prayers and well wishes did a lot of good, and she said to thank everyone for all their kind thoughts of her. She is the absolute most special woman I have ever known. What is really great about my Grandma is the way she can hug. She can hug so hard and tight that you feel super safe, it was that way when I was young, and is the same now, even when she is still weak, she hugged me forever.

Sunday my Mom and I went back over to spend the day, while Richard and Ron took the kids to the park. My Grandma spent the day talking again, and we all just listened and maybe got an "Oh" or "Really?" in once and a while : ) She was even stronger then the day before. So, the deal is, she is going to begin chemo in three weeks. The cancer did not fully spread to her liver, they got it all, and the chemo will not be a long process for her. In six weeks she will be back in the hospital to have the bag removed, and that will put her up for a week or so. Everything is positive, atleast that is the story I got from everyone, and when I heard it from my Grandma I believed it, because she is always straight with me.

I am so glad we made the trip. I am so thankful that she is ok, and we have her with us. I will be planning more trips down this year then ususal, because I want to soak up all of her stories, and hold her as much as I can. Oh, I made her a scrapbook of pictures from my childhood, all of my aunts and uncles, my sister, my kids, etc.. and she was so thrilled. She cried, and then she told me it was the best present she had ever received. We all cried of course, it was perfect.

Yesterday we came home. Richard drove the whole way as I slept. He is so wonderful. We made it home early and were able to just relax all evening.

Ok, I need to get some housework done. I also need to get over to the school district some time today, Breeana was accepted into G.A.T.E next year, and I have to put in a intra district school change for her, since it isn't offered at her current school. I think this is going to be a great thing for her.

Have a great day everyone!

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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