
new older email guestbook


Sour tummy

We had a good day yesterday. The kids were home from school, so we were lazy, and more lazy. Then we went to do a bit of shopping. Even though Richards birthday isn't for another two weeks, we bought his golf clubs and gave them to him. He has been being asked by friends to go play golf every week, and he is tired of renting clubs, so I thought it would be nice for him to have them early, he was thrilled. I am so glad he has found something that is so fun to him.

Then last night I went to Bunko. This new group of ladies is fabulous. Only one lady out of a group of twelve is mildly rude, and I can handle that. Anyway, I won!! Not the big cash prize, but $25! I was so excited, because my friend E. won $15, and my friend G. won the boobie prize! The boobie prize is something new. It is for the biggest loser, and how it works is that everyone bring a small gift, or if you forget you put a dollar, into a big bag. At the end of the night, the biggest loser gets to take home the bag : ) What a wonderful and fun idea, don't you think?

So, that was a lot of fun, and even coming home was nice because the kids were all tucked into bed, and Richard had done laundry, and was is a good mood still from his golf clubs!

Today will be a busy one. E. is picking me up in a minute to go walking, then I have my volunteering in Jareds class, then my nail appointment, then pick up Jared, then have him do his homework, go back and pick up Bree from acelerated reading club and take her to try out this other gymnastics. If this one works out, then we will have to squeeze another $40 out of each month, we have to do it, she needs an activity that she likes, in a clean environment.

Okey dokey, have a great day everyone.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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