
new older email guestbook


Stinky Dad

It was a weird day. I went to Jareds award ceremony at the school, he got an award for reading 250 books, he gets to go to pizza with the principal : ) Then I went to Breeanas award ceremony. She didn't get an award this time, but she got a "super star" prize for being good. She got to choose a prize from the prize table. She chose a jawbreaker the size of a fist, and a necklace.

The rest of the day is kind of a blur. It all gets fuzzy with a phone call I received from my Dad, complaining about my Mom.

For those who don't know, they have been divorced for ten years now. A few months ago my Dad sold my childhood home. At the time he sold it, he had to have my Mom sign papers, because he hadn't had her name removed from some stuff. Now, at this time, I was sure he would offer my Mom some money. The reson being that when they divorced she took nothing. NOTHING. When we moved out we had a chair, my bed, a futon, and our clothes. He kept the house, all the furnitue, everything. My Mom didn't fight for alimony, or anything.

So, believing my Dad was an honorable man , I assumed that he would offer my Mom something. Something for all the years she paid into that house, for all that she left behind. I had no idea that it was actually something they were discussing.

Well, he didn't offer. She felt a bit upset about having to sign over papers to him, with nothing in reutrn, so she asked him for $5,000 (he was making a HUGE profit off the house). He said absolutely no to that figure, but he said he would send her $2000. I didn't know about this until now, because my Mom didn't want to involve me.

So, now months later, still no money, she called him. He now says he never said he'd pay her anything. And he argues with her, and is rude. Then he hangs up the phone and calls to tell me she is crazy. My Mom, my sweet Mom. I was livid. I was so pissed off I finally told him how I feel about his cheapness. And, I hope he felt how disappointed I am in him, not just for this instance, but for his behavior in general. I was the most honest with him that I have ever been, and then I hung up.

It hurts me that he would call me, and try to entangle me in this battle. I may be a grown up, but I am still their child. I hate that he has hurt my Mom yet again. Anyway, that ruined my day. I hope tomorrow is better. I hope I don't hear from him. But mostly, I hope he does what he said he would, and keep his word.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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