
new older email guestbook


Grouchy Geneva

Both of my cars are being a**holes. Richard snapped off the handle to the inside of my car like two months ago, and so he has been driving it, while I drive his. He has to stick his arm outside of the car to open it EVERY time he gets out. You think this would be enough reason for him to get the part to fix it right? Wrong. Now, his car, which I have been driving, have gotten squeaky, need to be fixed brakes. His friend offered to help him fix them, and he has the brakes, but are they fixed? NO. I guess you can say I am frustrated. I have reaons, even if they aren't good, here they are - It has been raining too much, the kids have been out of school too long, and I need a vacation. Actually I would settle for someone rescuing me for a day, taking me for a makeover, and buying me good food. Isn't that a nice dream? It actually was a dream I had a few nights ago, I had won a makeover, I guess even in my sleep I obsess over what I look like. And you know what else I want to complain about? I have two new wrinkles. My Mom laughed when she saw them, and said to look at hers, and so I did, and you know what? She is still prettier than me. My Mom was cursed with a huge butt(where I got mine), and blessed with glowing skin. I said "What, those tiny lines, shut up." I guess I will have to settle for our day out of town at the end of the month, and hope that my new Vitamin E wrinkle cream crap stuff helps : ) Sorry for the grumpiness.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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