
new older email guestbook


We are family

It's my sons sixth birthday today! In honor of his birthday, I have decided to let go of saying "my son" or "my husband" or, "my daughter". My name is Geneva. My daughter is Breeana, also known as Bree. My son is Jared, and I really like to call him monkey. My husband is Richard, and I have some names for him too, but I won't write them here : ) We are a close family, we do everything together, and believe that our children should be our everyday lives, and not just a part of them. We like to play board games, tickle eachother, and watch silly videos. Sometimes we fight, but we always say sorry, and we love eachother very much. When Jared was born our family felt complete, and so I had a tubal ligation, and so there will be no more babies. Jared is a quiet, shy, and loving child. He thinks of others, he has good manners, and he can melt your heart with a comliment. His only fault is that he has a temper, and that comes out when he is frustrated. Breeana is not shy, or quiet. She can talk your ear off if you let her. She is gorgeous, smart, and very brave. Her fault is her talking, which gets her in trouble at home and school. Richard is my heart. He loves me like no one else can. He tells me I am beautiful, and he means it. He supports us financially and emotionally, and doesn't complain. He is my partner and my friend. His faults are many, and so are mine, but we seem to help eachother with them. Happy birthday Jared, my six year old angel.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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