
new older email guestbook


Less than a week

So, we leave for Southern California next Wednesday. My husband has the whole weekend off, and the kids get off half day on Wednesday, and then are out of school until January 6th( oh my gosh that is a long time). We will drive down to my Moms Wednesday, have a nice Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandmas, go see my in laws, and back to my Moms for the night. Then Friday and Saturday will be spent seeing the rest of our family and friends there, and back up here on Sunday. My Mom asked if my daughter can stay an extra week, so we will leave her there, and then meet half way the following weekend to pick her up. It is the most excited I have seen her about anything in a long time. I really love the holidays, but I could use some more money. I just want to shop and and shop, and I can't. I wish I was able to go out and get a part time job while the kids are at school, but since the kids are both on different schedules this year, with my son only going half day, it is impossible. I guess I have to wait until next year to go crazy with presents : ) Ok, I am pooped, it was my volunteer day at the school and those kids kept me so busy!

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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