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A new pattern?

Two great days of school so far! This week has been a good one so far for my boy. Both days he ran out of class, shouting " I was super nice Mom, I listened." His teacher let me know he was singing, and dancing, and she tested him on his ABC's and writing his name, and he did great. I hope we are able to keep this good pattern going. My daughter is having a great time being in third grade. She has made two great friends, and will be starting the accelerated(sp?)reading club next week. I think this year will be a good one for us all, if only I can find something to do with this new time on my hands : )

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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