
new older email guestbook


#4 and counting

I am in the middle of quite a stressful situation. My fathers new wife (#4) wrote me a letter a few days ago. It outlined how she had made a lot of changes in her life, and how she hoped me and my dad could make up. ????? How does her making changes in her life mean that my dad has changed? I got the feeling from her letter that she feels the reason my dad and I are estranged is due to her, which is not true. I wrote her back that there isn't enough paper in the world for me to write all the reasons we aren't speaking. It could be the total lack of affection, attention, or love. It could have been the physical and emotional abuse. It could have been the pornography I was exposed to from an early age, or the demeaning and demoralizing way he speaks to me and all other women. I tried to make it clear, but who knows if she gets the point. My dad will never change. This is a man who pinned his two daughters against eachother all of their lives, just so they would compete for his love. Boy, I guess I really needed to get that off my chest huh? My husband came from an equally messed up home, and I really believe that is what makes us good at parenting our children. I am not saying all good parents come from messed up homes : ) I am just saying that when you have been through what we have been through, you could go two ways, loving your children and wanting only the best for them, and showing that love through reasonable discipline, and a lot of togetherness, or you could repeat the mistakes your parents made. We chose to start over with our kids, and I know how blessed we are. I hope my letter got the point to the new wife.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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