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Countdown to 40

Summer is here. The kids have now been out of school for a week, and are only mildly driving me crazy. Today we spent the entire day shopping for my friends surprise 40th birthday party I am throwing her on Saturday. We met up with another friend and her daughter as well, and did some decorations shopping. It will be an over the hill theme, but with much fun thrown in. I am hoping Erika is totally surprised, and that she has a fun day.

On Sunday my Mom is coming to get the kids to steal them for a few days. I know they have plans to fish, go to several lakes and creeks, and do some serious candy shopping. I am hoping it is a fun trip for all of them, although I wish my Mom and Ron luck. For some reason my kids have been fighting A LOT lately. Little fights, over stupid stuff, non stop. So, good luck Mom, I am going to soak up my freedom.

Let's see, what else is new? Well, I painted the trim around my garage, where the paint bubbled up after the rain earlier in the year, and I painted the kids bathroom, from an awful lime green to a very pretty blue. It feels much more grown up in there, without the fishies and green paint. Which, in case I didn't mention it, both my kids make a point lately of telling me how grown up they are. I love the feeling of accomplishing a job without Richards help, it just makes me feel good about myself, even when I do it in 103 degree heat!

Ok, that is the run down. I will update after the party to let you all know if she really was surprised, or if her naughty 15 year old daughter let her in on it : )

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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