
new older email guestbook


Happy happy

I went to my gyno appointment last night. The doctor asked me three million questions about when I started my period (what age)? Had it ever been regular? Did I have hair growth in odd places like my tummy, face and feet? Did I have any cysts on my ovaries, and had they ever been enlarged? Did I have an issue with my weight (as far as losing it)? Yes to all.

Then she went over my test results with me. My thyroid is normal, cholesterol normal, no diabetes, everything else good. So, she then examined me, from my toes to my neck, inside and out, and then we talked.

I finally have a diagnosis, after fifteen years or so of strugling with my period, I finally can call my problems a name- Polycystic ovary syndrome. The reason I hadn't probably been diagnosed before was because it is usually associated with infertility, and I used to be quite fertile before my tubes were tied : ) However, it is not always the case.

So she gave me some medication, I can take them for ten days out of each month, and on the 11th day I will have a period! I will notice other changes related to my hormones as well, if I keep exercising and eating well, the weight should be easier to take off. I should notice less hair growth(the weird hair growth I mean, the ones on my face, tummy and toes).

I can't tell you what this does for my spirit, to have a doctor tell me that she is going to help me feel better. She held my hand at one point and said, you are going to feel so good, and soon. She gave me a goal of losing twenty pounds by NEXT September, so I have a year. She said that is just a few pounds a month, and completely do-able.

Anyway, I am thrilled, I am going to start my medication soon, and I am going to keep up the exercising and eating right. She said to stop the Slim fast, and so I will finish up this week and then stop and begin just eliminating most carbs, since people with this disorder can often develop diabetes.

Okey dokey, I have to run some errands now, and then I get to watch Jared in his first ever Soccer practice!

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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