
new older email guestbook


No break

My girl had a bad accident yesterday. She fell out of the car (not while it was moving) and fell on her already injured arm. She was screaming, and the tears were flowing like crazy, and she was obviously hurt. So I am driving, I have my husbands cel phone in my hand and I try to call him, on his cel phone(yes the one in my hand) I am getting more and more pissed off at him that he isn't picking up the phone, and then I realize I am a big nerd and have it in my hand. So, I am driving, and I am always totally confused by streets here in San Jose, I can make it anywhere if I start from my house, but have a hard time if I am coming from one place to another. I am going over in my head how to make it to Kaiser from the swim school. Finally I figure it out, and by now my girl is very upset, and my boy has joined in on the crying. I get my girl into Kaiser, they get her right into X ray, and then rap her arm up with lots of ice bags. It turns out she has some deep bruising, but no break, yay! She has to wear her arm in a sling, and take tylenol, and rest her arm, but she will be ok. The poor girl can't even turn her arm over, without being in total agony. Anyway, that was our day yesterday. Today we are going to try going to the library, and that is it.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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