
new older email guestbook


I am not ready

We had a good weekend. We decided to take a day trip to Lake Don Pedro, about an hour away, and invited Erika and Lindsay. The day was good, we had a picnic, swam in the lagoon, and sunned. The kids absolutely love that place, they swam ALL day. We wanted them to have one last fun thing before school started, and they did : )

Yesterday we got up and went to church with some other friends, and Erika decided to come as well. We dropped the kids off at their designated classrooms, and headed off for coffee. I love this church because it has a coffee bar in the lobby, and the money goes towards their youth program, and it is good. Then we all went over to the big church, and had a very nice service. I love this church also because I am not a huge fan of the singing, and they do two or three songs, and then it is time to sit. And, it is only an hour service.

The kids both had a good time in their classes, and we all decided to go out to lunch, so we went to a little Mexican place they knew of. It wasn't the best food I have ever had, but it was ok, and we all had a nice time talking. Richard gets along well with my friends husband, which makes it easy. The rest of yesterday was filled with naps, and recorded football, and Matlock episodes.

Today was the kids first day of school. Breeana is now in 6th grade at the middle school, and Jared is in 2nd at the same school. I dropped him off first, got to meet his teacher, and then he jetted off to the playground. Then Breeana and I drove over to her school, and I walked her up. I was a little heartsick standing there with her.

First of all, now that she has no bangs, she looks a lot older. Second, there were little clicks of kids walking around, and it made me realize that she is really growing up. Part of me wishes we had left her at the elementary school, but they didn't offer any advance classes. So, I met her advisor, said goodbye, and walked to my car. Then I put on my Carly Simon cd, and cried all the way to Target. I am so sad, I am not at the point where I can say it is a good thing she is growing up, I am at the point wher I am going to have to cry all day until I pick her up, and she will never know I was sad.

Ok, I need to go straighten up the house, and keep myself busy until pick up time.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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