
new older email guestbook


Why her?

The kids are home : ) Unfortunately Breeana came home sick, again, a very good chance with strep throat AGAIN.

Her fever was all the way up to 103 degrees yesterday, and I rushed her over to the doctors for a throat culture. The results come back this morning, and if it is strep, they will call in her antibiotic. Then I am calling her pediatrician, and we are getting her in to see the ear nose throat specialist. It is completely insane that my poor baby has to go through this over and over again. Her head hurts so bad, her tonsils are all huge and inflamed, and I have had it.

Anyway, other than that, they did have a good time at my Moms. They went to the lake twice, to a fair, to Chuck E Cheese, of course shopping and out to eat many times as well. They came home totally spoiled, but happy to see us. They also loved their new rooms, freshly painted and pretty. Jared loved his so much that he wanted to stay in there all weekend. His only request was that we paint his ceiling, which we chose to leave creamy white. Breeana loved her paint and her room, and the fact that Richard finally got the wireless internet thingy that Andy gave us working finally in her room!

Ok, what I need now is coffee, and then to get cleaned up so I can run over to pick up her prescription as soon as it is ready. Have a good day!

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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