
new older email guestbook


It's hot here

Once again, love the look. It's very nice to have a sissy who surprises you with updating the look of your diary : )

Well, last night was a busy one. Breeana had her friend A. over first. They played outside, did make-up, sang to their songs, etc.. She stayed a few hours and then my friend E. dropped off her daughter. E. and her husband were going away for the weekend, and last night was the only night that her parents couldn't watch her daughter. So, L. and Breeana and Jared watched Spongebob, colored in coloring books, played golf and video games, and then we had dinner.

Everything was fine until after dinner when they had all settled in to watch "Good Boy" the video about talking dogs from outer space that I had rented. A few minutes into the show, L. came out crying about missing her mommy : ( poor thing. We snuggled, and I reminded her that her Grammy was coming today to be with her, and how much fun they were going to have, and then we called her mommy on the cel phone so she could say goodnight. After that things were smooth sailing.

When it was time for bed, my kids got tucked in and went right to sleep, but L. wasn't tired. She layed there for hours, humming, and playing with the bars on the bunkbed, at one point, I caught her swinging like a monkey. When I walked in the room she literally dropped on the bed and pretended to be sleeping! I was cracking up. I think she finally fell asleep about 11:30! She is going to be one pooped girly today.

So this morning they all got up easily, got ready for school, and they were off. I don't really have much to do today, maybe some laundry, who knows. We don't have much planned for this weekend either, hopefully we will paint the hutch that has been waiting to be painted for almost a year: )

Ok, I am going to have a bit of coffee, and then watch some tv before I begin cleaning. Have a great day!

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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