
new older email guestbook


A nightmare

So the other night my daughter walked in on my husband and I having sex, only not in the basic way if you know what I mean. It was 11 at night, I checked that she was asleep before, and my bedroom door was locked. Halfway through our "love making" I hear " My butt hurts mom" And I hear it from about two feet away. My door is standing wide open, me in my new sexy outfit, and my husband flies across the room. I jump up, tell her to go back to bed, rush to get some clothes on, and run into her room to see what she has seen. Well, she says "why did dad have you in that weird position?" I almost died. The first thing that came to my mind was the fact that my husband and I always wrestle, and so I told her I was getting ready for bed, and her dad had pinned me down. She bought it(Atleast I think), and soon the subject was changed to her butt. She was up with diarrhea the rest of the night, and I was quite upset with what she had walked in on. It seems the lock on my door is broken, and if you push my door, it opens, I can't believe I hadn't noticed that. Normally she would knock, but she was half asleep with a butt ache. So, long story short, the lock is fixed, and when we get up the nerve to try again I am sure everything will be fine, but I will never forget the speed at which my husband went leaping across the room, or the look on his face.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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