
new older email guestbook


It feels like heaven

Boy, am I ready for a nice long bath. Today was my work day at my boys school, and since it is a new quarter, they have re-done the work assignments. Before vacation my job was outside mom, and so I had to take care of all of the outside stuff. It was, by far, my least favorite job so far, and guess what? Today, it was once again my job, due to the new schedule. It isn't so bad when the rowdy kids are inside, but boy oh boy, they were all outside today : ) Anyway, I am officially pooped, and headed off for a bath with my spa.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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