
new older email guestbook


Stress stinks

I am exhausted. Not only did I start my period a few days ago, but some other lame stuff has happened. First, last night I walked into my living room to find my husband sitting on the couch watching TV while wasps flew around the room. I look at him and said " Do you not see the bugs?" And so I look at my wall, and the wasps have made a dime sized hole in the wall, and they are just pouring into the apartment. We looked all over for something to cover up the hole until we could get someone over here to help, and finally found some putty stuff. For the next hour or so my husband fought off wasps, and kept putting more putty over the whole as the wasps kept clearing a new hole for themselves. I was totally freaking out, due to a childhood incident where I was stung like ten times. Finally the pest control man shows up, but realizes he doesn't have all the right tools with him. So long story short, he did a half assed job, and I woke this morning to the sound of wasps flying over my head in the celing. The man came back once, and I am now waiting for them to come back yet again with the "correct" tools. This morning was also my sons four year check up, and they forgot to mention that he was due for shots. Three shots, and one of them was very painful. I thought he handled himself very well, and although he did yell at the man after he gave him his shots, he did a good job. Anyway, that has been what's going on here, and hopefully we can have a nice wasp free weekend.

previously next

I love you forever - 2007-10-04
Breeana and Mom - 2007-09-25
First baby - 2007-09-19
The results - 2007-07-31
12 dasy until work - 2007-07-29

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